Measure your performance

Leverage the ahead insights to measure and analyse your content's performance and engagement

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The insights area in ahead offers editors and admins useful information about user behavior and content performance. In this lesson we'll give you some ideas on how you can see through the data and gain valuable insight into your content and user behavior. This will help you make informed decisions to improve your communication and content.

Overall Usage
  • How is the overall trend of active users (growing or falling)? Compare the content published in different periods and look for clues that could explain a trend in activity (e.g. more or less content published, seasonal fluctuation due to holidays, etc.)
  • Which target groups have the smallest % of onboarded users? Plan a reminder / reinforcing onboarding campaign to get them on board
News Insights
  • Who are the biggest "Influencers" in your organization, i.e. which authors published the most news, with the most reactions and comments? Leverage a "popular" author's influence to bring attention to important news or topics
  • Which channels are most used in published news? Most used channels imply a focus on a specific topic, while least used channels might have become obsolete or the topics need revisiting. If no channels are selected in most news, consider reevaluating the chosen channels as well as reminding your editors team to include them. Channels are a great way to sort your news by topic.
  • Which news had the most interactions? Look for common denominators like topics, authors, campaigns, dates; but also the news format and whether images or interactive elements were used. Compile these "success factors" into a best practices guideline for your editors.
  • What is the average coverage reached in published news? A high coverage means most of the intended target audience has read the news. This could imply that the right target audience was used and that the new was relevant to the audience. Keep in mind: the coverage includes all users in a given target audience, including those who are not yet onboarded. Establish a benchmark for the performance of your news.
Stories Insights
  • Who creates the most stories? When stories are created and contributed by a varied group of people (both in terms on hierarchy and department), it could mean that your employees are interested in communicating and sharing their experiences internally. Leverage this engagement for internal business related or awareness campaigns.
  • What are the most popular topics shared in stories? Understand which topics interest your employees most to learn what importance they give to different topics and stories. Understanding how your employees feel about something is good starting point to take action or communicate about it.

These are just a few of the questions you can ask based on the data provided in the insights. Of course, every company will have its unique data, and as the expert in your company & culture, you will be able to see other connections and insights.

Make sure you export the report to Excel to see additional information.

Read more about ahead Insights here: ahead Insights


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German / Deutsche Keywords

Insights, Nutzerverhalten, Daten, Analyse, Gesamtnutzung, Excel, Messen, analysieren, Leistung

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