Create engaging content

Content quality is a key success factor in internal communication. Help your editors write great content.

minutes read time
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The number of views and engagement in a news post or page can be an indicator of how well your information is received internally. Here are a few tips for optimal content creation:

Publish content that will be read!
  • Write a short, concise title (!) that encourages reading
  • Write an introductory sentence that will be displayed on the homepage (max. 180 characters)
  • Use images or similar visual content
  • Be brief in the text and convey only the most important information
  • Write short paragraphs that simplify the reading flow
  • Summarize your content, and list it as bullet points
  • Format your text strategically and use emojis (when appropriate 😉)

Create high-engagement content
German / Deutsche Keywords

Inhalte, Inhalt, Kommunikation, Engagement, Stories, Beispiele

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