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April 19, 2024

Elevate engagement with Kiosk feed API keys 🔑

We're introducing new possibilities for digital signage integration: Kiosk Feed API Keys.

Easy integration in Company settings 🛠️

‍Navigate to Integrations within your company settings to add Kiosk API keys. These keys provide authentication for your requests, ensuring smooth operation.

Multiple Kiosk feeds 📰

‍With the new Kiosk Feed API, you can curate multiple feeds by adding multiple Kiosk API keys. Expand your reach and tailor content for different audiences effortlessly.

Enhanced publishing experience for Editors 📢

‍Editors will notice the new section when publishing news, allowing them to select which kiosk feeds the news should appear in. Choose one or multiple feeds with ease and streamline content distribution.

Ready to Get Started? Simply reach out to your Customer Success Manager for activation. 🚀

For more information, check out our video guide here and engage your audience like never before!