In sessions with our customers we understood that there is no "one true way"™ to have editor settings that work for all people. Some edit with all of the editor group, some with a couple of colleagues, and some are happy with the default that only you can edit.
Now, you can decide which setting works best for you - when you start a new News or Page, and enter the editor settings dialog, you will notice the new checkbox "remember as default".
Once you click "Apply", the system will store those settings. Now, every time you start a new page, your personal preference with regard to editing rights will be applied to the new page.
Additionally, when you click "Publish" (or "Save Draft"), and you haven't checked your editing rights, you will get the chance to review those before putting your new content online.
This adds a simple additional click in most cases, but allows you to check whether all is good for the content you are about to store, or lets you jump straight to the correct settings view.