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May 13, 2024

Highlight Communities with Featured Community module 🌟

We're excited to introduce Featured Community module, designed to keep everyone informed about important community updates. Here's how it works:

Highlight a Community on your Homepage 🏠

This feature allows you to spotlight a community directly on your homepage, giving it the visibility it deserves. The module displays three most recent updates from the chosen community, ensuring everyone stays up-to-date with the latest news and activities.

Simple setup in Company settings ⚙️

Admins, you’ll will find the option to add Featured Community module within Company settings, under tab Homepage. From there, simply select the public community you wish to highlight.

Public Communities only 🔓

Please note that only public communities can be featured, making sure all users have access to latest updates.

Ready to feature your Community? 🚀

For a step-by-step guide on how to add a featured community, check out our video guide here.