SSO and Signing-In to ahead for the First Time

It is important to let your users know how to sign-in to ahead for the first time and how they can go about exploring the tool.

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Users can access ahead by either one of the following devices:

  • Browser
  • Mobile phone (iOS or Android)
  • Tablet (iOS or Android)

In the browser you can access the app by simply typing https://app.aheadintranet.com. To use the mobile app, download it from the respective stores: Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Usually Single-Sign-On (SSO) works perfectly well - however, there is the possibility to go even further with Seamless-Single-Sign-On (SSSO). In this case not even the e-mail has to be provided anymore. For this to work, simply use the following schema: https://app.aheadintranet.com/?domain=[your domain]

First Login

When logging-in for the first time, the user will be prompted to choose an interface language and the content language (for curated editors content). If enabled, the user can set an auto-translate language. This can be set under their profile. To access the profile, click on your name on the top-right corner, click on "My Profile" and scroll down to "Personal preferences".

All information shown in the profile is drawn from the Azure Active Directory (AAD) and cannot be changed in ahead. On the profile the following information will be shown:

  • Full name
  • Job title
  • Department
  • Office location
  • City
  • E-Mail
  • Business phone
  • Mobile phone

Currently the displayed attributes in ahead cannot be selected. As soon as an attribute contains a value, it will be shown.


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German / Deutsche Keywords

anmelden, Zugriff, Zugang, Anmeldung, Profil

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